Today’s FSW “Meet the Team” features Tim Stotler. Tim has been at EWI for almost as long as there’s BEEN an EWI – 26 years. Tim “grew up” on resistance and solid-state welding processes and is currently the Technology Leader for friction processes at EWI. Tim has literally been involved with the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process from its earliest stages, performing his first FSW project in 1993. Tim is an avid sports fan, and has a particular love of Baseball. His favorite teams are whichever ones his sons are currently playing for, but he also enjoys tuning in to watch the Reds (except when they’re blowing a 3-game lead in the playoffs). Please don’t hesitate to contact Tim if you have any questions or interests related to EWI or friction stir welding technology. You can reach him at 614.688.5221 or [email protected].
Technical Expertise
Tim is a Technology Leader covering the friction-based process at EWI. During Tim’s 25+ years he has been responsible for designing, conducting, and reporting on inertia welding, direct-drive, and friction stir. Tim also has a vast background in the resistance welding process with an emphasis on projection welding, resistance butt welding, and flash-butt welding. Much of the work includes development of a process for particular customer applications. Work has ranged from tooling, welding hardware build and modification, process robustness analysis, and shop floor implementation. The above processes have been used on most any material ranging from aluminum, steel, and titanium to beryllium and many different dissimilar alloy combinations.
In the 1990s, friction stir was added to EWI’s suite of solid-state welding processes. Since that time, Tim’s work has many different applications of friction stir welding for products nearing production for both commercial and military applications. This work included the development of the process for aluminum, copper, titanium, and iron-based alloys, as well as, dissimilar combinations.
Background and Project Experience
Tim’s current work involves research and consulting in the area of resistance and solid-state welding. He has experience as a Program Manager at EWI overseeing various operational and programmatic issues for both commercial and government projects. Between his technical and program management time, Tim has managed nearly 300 programs with some individual projects reaching several million dollars. Tim holds several patents in the friction and friction stir welding areas.
B.S. Welding Engineering, The Ohio State University