There isn’t a singular, one-size-fits-all solution to creating a hermetic seal. Every application requires a different approach— whether it’s due to the materials used, the joining technology, the use environment, or any other number of variables. In some consumer industrial products a failed seal is only mildly frustrating, but in others, it has the potential to be disastrous. A faulty seal in an implanted medical device, for example, could have serious repercussions.
Our new guide, Hermeticity—Design and Manufacturing Challenges, takes a look at EWI’s development process for hermetic sealing and steps necessary to ensure that a seal will be reliable for its intended life span.
While hermetic sealing has a long history, it can still present development challenges. EWI can help manufacturers develop innovative solutions and overcome whatever difficulties they face.
Please share this guide with anyone who might be interested in learning more about the hermetic seal development process. If you have any questions, contact Dale Robinson, Business Development Manager – CIP, at drobinson@ewi.org or 614.688.5232