The last 3 months flew by. Or was it 3 years? Time flies when you constantly find yourself in the middle of existing project work. I love waking up and feeling like I can’t wait to get back to whatever challenge I left at work the day before. It’s not always easy, though. I recently sat through yet another meeting evaluating the risk associated with a current project- It wasn’t fun.
Innovation is not for the faint of heart. It’s a tough game that requires persistence AND a good team. Mike Thomas from UrbanWorkbench explains why so many engineering firms fail to innovate- it has a lot to do with the people they hire and the ability to balance risk.
They play it too safe and stick with the status quo. If you like the challenges and the cutting-edge stuff, be prepared for the tough parts of the project. Accept the risk and making it happen. In order to succeed in R&D, better grab your courage and follow your inspiration.