Material Formability: An EWI Guide
The EWI Guide to Formability of New and Sophisticated Materials
Metal producers continue to develop exciting new materials that offer the potential for increased strength and performance while reducing overall weight. Currently, however, there is a lack of industry understanding regarding material variation’s effect on design and process. To fill this gap, EWI engineers have created a new guide, Formability of New & Sophisticated Materials, with a special focus on advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) commonly used in vehicle lightweighting.
Sheet metal forming offers a highly flexible, low-cost method for mass producing parts. Sheet metal forming technology, however, is subject to a set of common problems, including cracking, wrinkling, and springback. One frequent cause of these issues is material variationfrom batch to batch and or coil to coil. These variations highlight the need for comprehensive material testing, especially in AHSS and less-ductile aluminum alloys.
The EWI Guide to Formability of New and Sophisticated Materials outlines the best practices for evaluating the formability of challenging materials, and identifies the test procedures that will predict the most accurate results.
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EWI Guide to Formability of New and Sophisticated Materials