When it comes to predicting sheet metal failure during forming, the standard tool has been the forming limit diagram (FLD). With advance materials like AHSS, aluminum, and magnesium alloys that are now being used more frequently in automotive, aerospace, and heavy equipment manufacturing, the FLD does not model failure accurately.
A newer method, Generalized Incremental Stress-State independent damage Model (GISSMO), has been shown to be effective for modeling failure when forming advanced materials.
EWI Applications Engineer Tom Feister has written Predicting Fracture in Stamping of Advanced Materials, to show how this model can be implemented effectively in advanced metal forming applications. This paper is available for you to view — for free — by completing the form on this page.
If you would like to learn about using GISSMO to predict failure in advanced sheet metals or want to find out about EWI’s other forming capabilities, contact the author at [email protected] or 614.688.5124.
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