EWI Lab Services Mechanical Testing capabilities are accredited to ISO17025 A2LA.
EWI Lab Services has the capability to conduct several types of mechanical tests. Lab Services categorizes types of tests into Static, Dynamic, and hardness.
I’d like to give a brief overview of EWI Lab Services Static Testing abilities.
The reason we call it Static testing is the simple fact that during the testing you notice little movement or change of the testing equipment and sample. Many times we use the analogy of performing this type of testing is like watching grass grow.
EWI Lab Services has the ability to perform tensile, compression and fracture toughness testing which fall into this category.
What is Tensile Testing? ASTM E8
A tensile test, also known as tension test, is probably the most fundamental type of mechanical test you can perform on a material. By pulling on the material, you will determine how the material will react to forces being applied in tension. As the material is being pulled, you will find its ultimate strength, yield strength, yield point strength, modulus of elasticity, the proportional and elastic limits along with how much the material will elongate and reduce in area.
A standard tensile test is a requirement for many of the AWS A5.XX consumable qualification specifications. Lab Services performs this type of testing on a regular basis.
What is compression testing? ASTM E9
A compression test is a method for determining behavior of materials under crushing loads. The specimen is compressed, and deformation at various loads is recorded. As the material is being compressed, you will find its ultimate strength, yield strength, yield point strength, modulus of elasticity, the proportional and elastic limits.
What is Fracture toughness testing? ASTM E1290 and BSI 7448 parts 1 and 2
Fracture toughness is the ability of a material to resist fracture. Fracture toughness is of importance for welded structures and components and the results depend on testing temperature, environment, rate of loading, material composition, microstructure and the constraint of the sample. Watch the Video of our testing capabilities in process, including high-speed video of the fatigue pre-crack