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New Article: “Application of direct resistance treatment to localized areas on advanced high strength steel sheet”

July 18, 2016

An article by EWI Technolgy Leader Jerry Gould and EWI Applications Engineer Warren Peterson was recently published in Welding in the World.  The article, “Application of direct resistance treatment to localized areas on advanced high strength steel sheet,” reports on the development of a new technology, direct resistance heat treatment (DHRT), which is analogous to resistance welding with in situ tempering.

The authors say that the possibility of creating locally designed variations in microstructure has the potential to radically change how advanced and ultra-high strength steels are used in vehicle components.  Such local changes, as discussed in the article, offer the potential for tailored combinations of strength and ductility, both reducing vehicle weight and improving structural performance.


Jerry Gould, EWI Tech Leader
Jerry Gould, EWI Tech Leader
Warren Peterson, EWI Applications Engineer
Warren Peterson, EWI Applications Engineer









The article was published First Online on 13 July 2016.  It is available for purchase from Springerlink.  EWI Members may request a copy of the article by contacting the EWI Library.

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