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New Course on Autodesk PowerMill® for Robotic AM to be taught by EWI and DSI

May 5, 2022

EWI and Design Software International (DSI) are joining forces to host comprehensive, hands-on training for the programming and development of robotic directed energy deposition wire arc additive manufacturing processes. Autodesk PowerMill® for Robotic Additive Manufacturing is 5-day course that will guide attendees through the additive manufacturing tools available in Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate software, including the generation of real machine code and live demonstrations on EWI’s Navus large-scale robotic gantry DED system.

Other course highlights include:

  • Additive toolpath generation using automated feature construction
  • Methods to adapt toolpath to geometries unsuitable for automation
  • Robot simulation and dynamic machine control
  • Process development and parameter control
  • Real-life practical examples

Attendees will earn a PowerMill Additive Essentials certification and learn to identify and troubleshoot challenges when applying directed energy deposition additive manufacturing technology.

“DSI and Autodesk have had a lot of success with robotic DED additive in recent years but noticed many of our customers face the same steep learning curve to get new parts into production,” said DSI President Jon Caliguri. “Our course offering with EWI will help innovators accelerate their timeline to adopt large-scale metal AM.”

“We are thrilled to be able to host the inaugural course session in our robotic DED lab and look forward to offering the course on a regular schedule in the future,” said Dennis Harwig, EWI Senior Technology Leader for Arc Welding and Directed Energy Deposition.

The first training session will be held June 13-17 at EWI in Columbus, Ohio. To register or learn more about the course, click below:

Get more information about courses taught by the EWI Skillform Center.