News & Announcements (Page 124)
May 29, 2020
The first-time quality of stampings with reduced scrap rates is a primary goal of the metal stamping industry. However, emerging high-strength steels significantly increase the variations of the incoming coil properties and die friction. To address this challenging issue, the EWI Forming Center has led the Intelligent Servo-Controlled Forming Project with 12 industry partners for...
DetailsMay 27, 2020
Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most effective methods of inspecting additvely manufactured components. The cost of the process and the time it takes, however, has been a disincentive to widespread adoption. EWI has developed a new CT solution using fewer image captures that can save both time and cost. This technique is discussed...
DetailsMay 20, 2020
EWI has recently developed internal capabilities to perform the VDA 238-100 standard testing for tight radius v-bending of sheet materials using digital image correlation (DIC). Bendability has become a crucial property as the automotive industry sees increased use of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) and aluminum alloys in sheet metal structural parts for light-weighting and...