News & Announcements (Page 129)
April 3, 2020
In manufacturing, the constant cycle of designing, building and shipping makes it all too easy to get lost in the day-to-day details. Companies must, however, keep focus on improving and maximizing profitability for the future. With so much to do to maintain daily operations and overabundance of information in both the industry and popular media,...
DetailsMarch 24, 2020
N95 FILTER MATERIAL NEEDED – EWI is actively working with a number of manufacturers to develop methods to mass-produce N95-type masks in response to COVID-19 and the shortage of personal protective equipment for medical professionals. We are now seeking a source for filters or filter material which is critical for the effectiveness of the N95...
DetailsMarch 20, 2020
A message from Henry Cialone, EWI President and CEO With limited personal interaction and increasing contact restrictions due to COVID-19, we are all making adjustments to how we do business. While the environment has changed, I want to let you know that EWI remains open for business. We are actively proceeding on existing projects and...