News & Announcements (Page 140)
November 11, 2019
Recently, EWI Engineering Intern Liya Amanuel was featured in the American Welding Society (AWS) Foundation's “Summer Job Spotlight,” which profiled this year's Foundation scholarship recipients. Liya is currently an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University, where she is pursuing a degree in welding engineering. Since starting her internship in May 2018, she has been...
DetailsNovember 5, 2019
EWI is pleased to welcome HTP Comfort Solutions LLC as a new member company. The manufacturer of energy efficient space and water heating technology is based in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
DetailsNovember 1, 2019
Technology innovator EWI is pleased to introduce Manufacturing Technology, Inc, as its newest Strategic Technology Member. Together, EWI and MTI, a leading manufacturer of inertia, direct drive, and hybrid friction welders, will work in collaboration to advance the new hybrid joining technology known as low force friction welding. “Low force friction welding is a break-through...