News & Announcements (Page 141)
October 25, 2019
With the recent rise in global demand for liquified natural gas (LNG), there is a growing need to build new export terminals in the United States. Materials and fabrication costs for these facilities are very high and subject to broad fluctuation. For these reasons, builders have been looking at materials that are less costly to...
DetailsOctober 23, 2019
Are you looking to broaden your understanding of welding, joining, and other manufacturing processes? Interested in learning about new technologies and techniques? EWI offers a variety of training classes for professional development and continuing education credit. We are currently expanding our course list to meet the technology training needs of engineering and manufacturing professionals. Please...
DetailsOctober 22, 2019
by Henry Cialone, EWI President and CEO From time to time, I find myself in a conversation with other CEOs when the topic turns to the Millennial Generation. I don't know why, but the comments often tend to get pretty negative — and I ultimately have to raise my hand and call "BS." Let's look at...