News & Announcements (Page 156)
February 25, 2019
Mike Eff introduces friction stir welding When the NYC CNC channel came to tour EWI's sister company Fabrisonic in Columbus, OH, they spent some time visiting with EWI associates Mike Eff and Rodrigo Enriquez in our friction stir welding and additive manufacturing labs. And did they ever have fun! Rodrigo Enriquez in the EWI AM...
DetailsFebruary 22, 2019
This week, EWI took some time away from hard work to celebrate EWI engineers during National Engineers Week 2019. Our associates marked the week with contests, food, and fun, including prizes awarded for events like “EWI vs. Bill Mohr Trivia Contest” (two EWI teams edged out our resident trivia expert, but Bill was an admirable...
DetailsFebruary 18, 2019
Shift, a program based at EWI’s Buffalo Manufacturing Works, is designed to help small and medium-sized manufacturers improve their operations and competitiveness by identifying and investing in critical technology. Having just completed its first full year, Shift has already made a significant impact on manufacturing community in Western New York state. The program has helped...