News & Announcements (Page 63)
May 31, 2022
Are you ready for new legislation in plastics manufacturing? EWI can help. By James Cruz Articles about the negative impact of polymers on the environment are becoming more and more prevalent. Everything from tracking plastic concentrations in our oceans to the effects of plastic on our soil. This has led to a correlated shift in...
DetailsMay 30, 2022
We are pleased to welcome Jabil Energy Storage to EWI membership. The company specializes in collaborative design, development and value engineering within all ESS power ranges. Power engineering competences in design and manufacturing include hardware design and manufacturing, re-design for UL certifications, and valued engineering (VAVE) and manufacturing.
DetailsMay 25, 2022
Laser-welded blanks offer many advantages in automotive closures and structures, but base-material necking and cracking can be an issue. To provide better data for FE simulation modeling, EWI has developed a “mini-dogbone” tensile test for LWB formability evaluation. Hyunok Kim, EWI Forming Center Director, describes this work in Evaluating Laser-welded Blank Formability and Predicting Potential...