News & Announcements (Page 74)
January 10, 2022
By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI Although the who, what, when, and where frequently change, one constant at EWI is the why. Our mission to deliver innovative technological solutions that enhance competitiveness in manufacturing is the why that guides everything we do. We approach that mission in three separate, interrelated steps: Step 1: Identify the best options to solve manufacturing challenges.Step...
DetailsJanuary 5, 2022
In early 2022, EWI will host three webinars on advanced manufacturing topics for engineering professionals. These technical presentations are free to attend, but participants must register in advance. Back by popular demand, Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould will offer a webinar on Design of Experiments for Manufacturing Processes. This event will take place on Tuesday,...
DetailsJanuary 4, 2022
Happy New Year from EWI! If the past 20 months have proven anything, it's that companies need to be nimble and adaptive to succeed in a rapidly changing and often uncertain economy. While EWI has always responded quickly to external challenges, our flexibility was put to the test in 2021. Many interrelated issues – including...