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Notes from the Winter 2018 AMC Meeting

February 23, 2018

ASUThe Additive Manufacturing Consortium (AMC) held its 2018 Winter Meeting February 7-9 in Phoenix, AZ. The meeting was jointly hosted by Honeywell and Raytheon with over 140 consortium members and invited guests in attendance.

honeywell-aerospaceThe 3-day event featured tours of Arizona State University’s (ASU) material characterization labs hosted by Dr. Nikhilesh Chawla and of Honeywell’s newly opened AM production facility hosted by Mr. Donald Godfrey. The meeting also included a networking event hosted by local AM equipment reseller Interlink Engineering and sponsored by Raytheon.

raytheon_logoDuring the members’ meeting, the AMC voted to initate six new projects with more than $800K in funding. These 2018 projects focus on the development of AM materials, software, and post processing . The general meeting (open to both AMC members and guests) had a wide variety of presentations featuring industry experts from Honeywell, Raytheon and Navy Nuclear Laboratory; researchers from ASU, NIST and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; and other AM vendors like Additive Industries, BeAM machines and ESI Group.

The AMC, established in 2010 by technology innovator EWI, is a national consortium of industry, government, academia, and non-profit research organizations with the mission of accelerating and advancing the manufacturing readiness of metal additive manufacturing (AM) technology. Members include leading players from the aerospace, space, defense and heavy industry along with AM material and technical services providers as well as academia and government labs.

amcThe AMC will hold its Spring Meeting May 9-10 in Pittsburgh, PA. This meeting will be jointly hosted by LPW and GE and include tours of GE’s CATA facility, ExOne, and LPW’s new powder production facility in Pittsburgh.

For more information about joining the AMC contact Rhonda Lombardo at [email protected], or Frank Medina at [email protected].