On 29 September 2010 the EWI played host to the inaugural meeting of the Joint Defense ManTech Panel (JDMTP) Metals Processing and Fabrication Subpanel Pilot Program. The purpose of the Pilot Program is to conduct portfolio review, analysis and roadmapping of the Welding and Joining projects reviewed by the subpanel in order to enhance the value and competitive intelligence from the existing ratings and review process. The specific objectives of the program include: 1) provide validation of the portfolio balance between investment risk and reward, technical risk and feasibility, and technical competency and global competitiveness; and 2) more fully optimize the process of project selection and prioritization with regard to portfolio analysis and alignment with DoD strategic goals. The final deliverable will be the definition of additional recommendations / observations for Service Principals, JDMTP, and MT Strategy Working Group to be provided as a part of Subpanel year-end briefing.