Today I road my bike to work for the first time….ever. The weather was 45 degrees and raining. So what led this middle aged engineer to ride a bicycle to work in the rain?
This month is National Bike Month, and to celebrate Columbus is hosting the annual Bike to Work Challenge. Bicycling to work has many benefits ranging from increased health to reducing our reliance on foreign oil. Imagine if 25% of those in the US road their bike to work instead of driving a car. People would be more fit (reducing inflating medical costs), we would use less oil (driving down demand and price) and would produce less pollution. Some sources say that ¾ of Chinese people ride a bike to work daily, so it is not impossible for a population to commute this way.
Although these lofty goals were part of my motivation, I must admit that good ole’ fashioned competition was also involved. Last year EWI won the Columbus Bike Challenge, narrowly defeating a law firm that rides under the moniker MDK. Although I was not involved in last year’s effort, team MDK has blatantly accused EWI of cheating and I feel I must step up to defend our honor. Thus, at 6 am this morning I donned my $5 garage-sale Gortex jacket and road 10 miles to work in the rain. So what did I learn on my journey:
- My timbuk2 messenger bag and my Gortex jacket really are waterproof.
- I need to get into shape.
- Riding a bike to work is not that bad….even in the rain.
Posted by Mark Norfolk