Why does objectivity matter? Because efficient and effective problem solving requires it! We all have agendas and biases that have the potential to sidetrack our ability to solve a problem. It’s difficult to be truly objective, especially when the problem we are trying to solve is “close to home” or is particularly frustrating.
As engineers, we often overcomplicate a problem because it just “couldn’t be that simple.” The truth is that it often is that simple. I firmly believe that most issues, however complicated, can be broken down to one or two essential concepts. A fresh set of eyes and a fresh perspective can often be the most effective tools in breaking a complex problem down into its basic elements.
At EWI, we strive to be objective in all aspects. Since we don’t have an allegiance to a single process, piece of equipment, or way of thinking, we are able to focus solely on determining the best solution for our customers.
This focus on objectivity also makes EWI a rewarding place to work as it often drives creative thinking and innovation. In my past 6+ years here at EWI I have learned a truly valuable lesson: When you aren’t emotionally attached to what the answer looks like, it’s easier to see the best solution.