Every few weeks the Ohio Department of Natural Resources publishes a spreadsheet that details the Utica permits issued in Ohio and the status of the drilling for each permit. These are available for download at http://ohiodnr.com/oil/shale/tabid/23174/Default.aspx. To help Ohioans visualize the Utica Shale activity in Ohio, EWI has created an interactive Google map (https://www.ewi.org/ohio-utica-permits). We are working to keep this map up to date with the permit locations as well as the status. At present the map only includes Utica sites, but it is important to note that there are also Marcellus Shale wells and conventional oil and gas wells being drilled on a daily basis all around Ohio. The picture below is of a conventional gas well being drill less than 2 miles from a Utica well in Guernsey County.
Nate Ames – Director | EWI