The laser paint stripping technology provided by EWI effectively and cleanly removes coatings of paint without media blasting or chemical stripping. It is a faster, cleaner alternative than media blasting and chemical stripping, and it produces no secondary contaminated waste. EWI’s laser paint removal technology incorporates integrated fume removal.
Media Blasting and Chemical Stripping
Media blasting, or sandblasting, refers to the process of removing paint by blasting sand, or similar materials made up of small particles, onto the surface of the painted object until only base materials remain. Chemical strippers usually contain methylene chloride. Both processes present environmental and health concerns.
Why We Need Safe Paint Removal
Paint stripping is a crucial process for industries such as aircraft security and military aircraft suppliers. The military routinely removes paint from its aircrafts for inspection, infrared signature, and appearance. Despite the frequency of paint stripping for aircrafts, paint stripping often entails the use of hazardous materials, which in turn generates large amounts of hazardous waste. With EWI’s laser paint stripping technology, paint is effectively removed from aircrafts, steel drums, and railcars without producing these amounts of hazardous waste.