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Weld Failure Analysis: A Case Study — a new article from EWI

February 11, 2016


ewi-related-postsSafety in the oil and gas industry  is a primary concern as operators advance into challenging new environments. Failure analysis techniques allow experts to identify the root cause(s) of failures and provide recommendations to prevent a recurrence. With decades of industrial and research experience in welding, materials, and metallurgical engineering, EWI engineers have conducted extensive failure analyses on a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

EWI Senior Engineer Wesley Wang has written Weld Failure Analysis: A Case Study to discuss the range of techniques available and to provide a brief overview of EWI’s expertise and capabilities. His article showcases a case study illustrating the use of Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to determine the root cause of a failure in a stainless steel oil tank.
Please click here to download this paper.

If you’d like to learn more about how EWI can help solve your materials-joining challenges, contact us at [email protected].