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Long-term Polymer Properties: Plastic Creep and Stress Relaxation

Polymers undergo creep and stress relaxation over long periods, which can be detrimental to the function of products in a multitude of industries. When designing devices or components that contain polymers, it is important to understand how to analyze stress relaxation vs. creep in plastic materials and develop mitigation strategies for the two phenomena. Polymer […]

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Plastic or Elastic: Polymer Dynamics in MedTech Devices

A polymer can act rubbery or glassy depending on its temperature or rate of deformation, such as from an impact. This is important for medtech devices that are stored at low temperature, vibrate, or are required to pass drop testing. In general, the quicker the polymer is impacted, the more brittle it acts and the […]

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Many product recalls stem from predictable material issues

Choosing materials for a new medical device or consumer product is not a trivial task; without proper care, costly late-stage issues can derail an entire program. Material failures for medical devices, for example, are common and costly; 30-40% of FDA recalls are due to material issues.1 These issues may include compatibility of the fluid formulation […]

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Barrier Properties of Polymers: Does Your Product Pass Gas?

Polymers are more alive than you may realize. There are molecules within them that wiggle, others that move from here to there, and some that permeate all the way through. Polymer properties change as all this motion is occurring. When this is not understood or anticipated during product development stages, products fail. The good news […]

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Polymer Chemical Resistance – Product Survival Through Harsh Liquid Contact and Sterilization

Polymer properties can permanently change as they age, which can lead to unexpected failures. These failures can be avoided by considering the polymer’s response to the environment during early product design. Liquids, gases, heat, and irradiation can have irreversible chemical effects on a polymer. Alternatively, in some cases the polymer can affect the liquid’s properties. […]

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