Chuck Roe has stepped down as co-chair of the ASTM E08.07.08 task group on fracture toughness of weld. I have agreed to serve as the new co-chair with Steve Graham with the United States Naval Academy. I bring a wealth of directly applicable experience to the task group, and my involvement with the task group will should help establish a closer connection between the task group and the users of the Welds/CTOD (Crack Tip Opening Displacement) test standards.
The task group is responsible for the technical direction of ASTM E1290 test method for characterizing the fracture toughness of materials through the determination of crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD). EWI has been an active support of the ASTM E08.08.08 task group for the last 25 years. Some of the past EWI staff that have participated in the task group include: Robin Gordon, Henryk Pisarski, Mark Kirk, and Tom McGaughy.
For additional information on fracture toughness testing for fitness-for-service assessments, contact EWI.