Testing & Lab Services
With precision equipment and a world-class engineering team, EWI is uniquely qualified to offer a full range of testing.
Beyond traditional failure assessment, our experts seek out the root causes to help our customers manufacture the highest quality products.
EWI’s dedicated laboratory testing services team manages a comprehensive inventory of testing equipment and standardized procedures for rapid characterization of the chemistry, properties, and performance of metals, plastics, and composites.
This extensive testing capability is often coupled with our material and process-specific engineering expertise, enabling us to deliver services including but not limited to:
- Failure Analysis
- Production Troubleshooting
- Design Optimization
- Product Conformance
- Procedure/Operator Qualification
- Materials Evaluation
To view the EWI Lab Services Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, click here.
Services Offered
Mechanical Testing
- Tensile
- Bend
- Impact (Charpy, Drop-Weight, Nil-Ductility)
- Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
- R-Curve (SENB, CT, SET, SENT)
- Fatigue (Force or Strain Control)
- Residual Stress
Nondestructive Evaluation
- Ultrasonic (Contact and Immersion)
- Phased Array
- Eddy Current
- Radiography
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Visual Inspection
- Magnetic Particle Inspection
- Liquid Penetrant Inspection
- Metrology
- Surface Characterization
Specialized Services
- Resonant Fatigue
- Pressure/Burst Testing
- Varestraint Testing
- Gleeble
- Failure Analysis
Metallography / Material Characterization
- Digital Photography (Micro and Macro)
- Linear Image Analysis
- Chemical Analysis (AES)
- Oxygen/Nitrogen Elemental Analysis
- Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- Hardness (Vickers, Knoop)
- Hardness (Rockwell)
- 2D Hardness Mapping (Micro-Vickers)
- G48 Corrosion Testing
- Grain Size Average
- Delta Ferrite Content (Magnegage)
- Percent Ferrite
- Porosity Measurement
- Inclusion Content
- Microstructure Analysis
- Metallographic Examination
- Particle Size/Morphology Characterization
Weld Consumable Qualification
- Welding (GMAW, SMAW, GTAW, SAW)
- Diffusible Hydrogen
- Moisture Content
- Fillet Weld
- Nick Break
- Y-Groove
- Controlled Thermal Severity (CTS)
- Environmental Conditioning
- Heat Treatment
Lab Testing Equipment
Universal Screw Machines
- 10,000 lbs-force
- 60,000 lbs-force
Servo-Hydraulic Machines
- 5,000 lbs-force (Qty 2)
- 35,000 lbs-force
- 50,000 lbs-force (axial and torque)
- 100,000 lbs-force (Qty 3)
- 200,000 lbs-force
- 220,000 lbs-force
- 500,000 lbs-force compression only
Bend Testing
- Semi-guided (wrap-around) bend tester
- Various 3-point guided bend test fixtures
Impact Testing
- Charpy V-Notch Machine (300 ft-lb)
Drop Towers
- 5000 ft-lbs
- 2500 ft-lbs (instrumented)
- Scienscope XT-2000 measuring system
- Alicona IF Robot measuring system
- Bruker Nano Inc. NPFLEX 3D metrology system
- Novacam Technologies MicroCam-4D profilometer
- Keyence Laser Displacement Sensor
- Hexagon Metrology Global Performance Silver Edition CMM
Specimen Preparation Equipment
- Abrasive cut-off saw (Qty 2) – 12-14” diameter
- Mounting press (Qty 5)
- Automatic Polisher/Grinders (Qty 5)
- Table top polishers (Qty 6)
- Optical Microscopes with integrated digital cameras (up to 1000X)
- Olympus DSX510 Digital Microscope (up to 1800X)
- PAX-it software
Specimen Analysis
- LECO GDS500A CCD-Based Glow Discharge AES
- Agilent 7890B Gas Chromatograph
- Zeiss EVO 60 SEM with EDS
- Hitachi S-3700 SEM with EBSD and EDX
- Nicolet Magna-IR 560 Spectrometer
- Beckman Coulter Multi-wavelength Particle Size Analyzer and Tornado Module
- Clark CR-1eA Rockwell Hardness Tester
- Leco R-260 Rockwell Hardness Tester
- Buehler MV 1680 Macro-Vickers (5kg to 30 kg)
- Leco M-400 Micro-Vickers (10g to 1000g)
- Leco LM 247 Automatic Micro-Vickers (10g to 1000g)
Welding Consumable Qualification
- Multiple Arc Welding power supplies (up to 1000 amps)
- ArcAgent 3000 weld data acquisition systems
- 6-axis welding robots
- Side-beams
- Welding carriages
X-Ray Equipment
- Varian NDI-320-23 Stationary Anode X-Ray Tube
- AFP Mini-Med 90 Automatic Film Processor
For a complete list of EWI’s standard testing services, click the button below:
Specific services include:
- Mechanical Testing
- Metallography
- Weld Consumable Qualification
- NDE and Inspection
- Pipeline Evaluation
- Materials Evaluation: Hydrogen Infrastructure
- Materials Analysis: CCUS
- Corrosion and Environmental Testing