Automotive (Page 3)
April 9, 2024
The integrity of joints (“stack-ups”) in vehicle frames is of utmost importance when it comes to safety, dependability, and public confidence in the automotive industry. But with up to a hundred joint variations in a car’s body-in-white, it is difficult to predict joint strength properties without extensive testing. Until now. EWI has developed a rapid...
DetailsJanuary 22, 2024
Magnetic materials are essential to electric propulsion systems. Key attributes of these materials include resistivity and grain size. Refining grain size increases magnetic saturation limits, and thus allows for lighter, more compact motor designs. Using powder-based processing is one way to achieve fine grain size, but the main methods for doing so are energy intensive,...
DetailsSeptember 19, 2023
Are you seeking an automated solution to assess quality, reliability, and safety in your manufacturing operation? EWI recently worked with materialsIN to develop a real-time quality assurance system for ultrasonically welded, lithium-ion battery tabs. In a new paper, A Fully Automated Quality Assurance Solution for Battery Tab Welds Using Process Monitoring and AI, EWI engineers...