EWI – Company (Page 18)
January 4, 2022
Happy New Year from EWI! If the past 20 months have proven anything, it's that companies need to be nimble and adaptive to succeed in a rapidly changing and often uncertain economy. While EWI has always responded quickly to external challenges, our flexibility was put to the test in 2021. Many interrelated issues – including...
DetailsDecember 14, 2021
Rosie Matthies examines her welding handiwork in the EW microjoining lab EWI recently hosted two secondary school teachers as part of the Ohio STEM Learning Network’s Manufacturing & Engineering Externship Program (MEEP). Mary Tugend of Metro Early College Middle School (Columbus) and Rosie Matthies of Shawnee High School (Springfield) spent two days shadowing engineers and...
DetailsNovember 17, 2021
EWI has a long-established internship program for graduate and undergraduate engineering students. Over the past 35 years, more than 150 interns have gained hands-on experience working with EWI subject matter experts in our labs and learning what applied R&D for manufacturing involves. Every spring, EWI’s senior technical team selects a core of highly qualified students...