EWI – Company (Page 40)
July 23, 2018
Congratulations to EWI's Principal Engineer Xian-Kui Zhu and Senior Technology Advisor Tom McGaughy on receiving the Outstanding Technical Paper Award at the 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. The paper, Effects of Finite Strains and Residual Stresses on Path Independence of the J-Integral for Ductile Cracks, was honored on July 18th by the Pressure Vessels...
DetailsJuly 17, 2018
The Additive Manufacturing Consortium, operated by EWI, is pleased to introduce these companies to AMC membership: 3D Systems, the originator of 3D printing and innovator of 3D solutions, combines its plastic and metal 3D printers, print materials, on-demand manufacturing services and end-to-end manufacturing software solutions for industry including aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods. Headquartered in Rock Hill, SC, the company...
DetailsJune 26, 2018
There are many options available for evaluating the quality of polymer welds. It can be a challenge to select the best one for your application. Yet, choosing the appropriate evaluation method is an essential step in the development and production maintenance of a welding process. Recently EWI conducted research to compare several quantitative and qualitative polymer weld quality evaluation...