Manufacturing Innovation (Page 12)
April 27, 2020
Robotic directed energy deposition technology offers a robust, multi-faceted process for building and repairing large-scale components. EWI is currently involved in a broad research program to mature DED technology for use in the aerospace, energy, defense, shipbuilding, and heavy manufacturing industries. As part of this effort, EWI has installed a Cloos robotic DED system for...
DetailsApril 22, 2020
In rapid response to the shortage of protective medical masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EWI has developed an easy-to-produce, compliant mask prototype. The Vacuum Formed Stop-gap Face Mask design was made available to the public and free via open source. Download the design, model, and specs at the NIH 3D Print Exchange. The mask...
DetailsApril 16, 2020
EWI and Manufacturing Technology, Inc. (MTI) are pleased to invite the public to a free webinar introducing the new joining technology, low force friction welding. The presentation will take place live on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at 11:00 AM EDT. EWI resistance and solid-state welding expert Jerry Gould will join MTI President and CEO Dan...