Joining plastics in medical applications is a difficult and delicate process. Many adhesives are neither FDA-approved nor biocompatible, and most plastics used for medtech products are already tough to bond. Plastic welding can offer greater consistency, hermeticity, and reliability.
How can medtech manufacturers successfully switch from adhesive bonding to plastic welding? What requirements, processes, and design modifications need to be considered? To help manufacturers navigate the transition, EWI Applications Engineer Miranda Marcus has written The EWI Guide to Plastic Welding for the Medtech Industry.
With more than 25 years of solutions and innovations in plastic welding, EWI is prepared to help you with your most precise joining challenges. To learn more about our services or to talk to our technical specialists, please contact [email protected] or call 614.688.5152.
EWI will offer a FREE WEBINAR, Plastic Welding in Medical Products, on January 27, 2021, at 1:00 pm EST. Please join Senior Engineer Miranda Marcus for this special event!