It is well known in the welding industry that diffusible hydrogen can wreak havoc on an otherwise beautiful weld. For over 20 years EWI has helped our customers combat this concern by offering Diffusible Hydrogen Testing (per AWS A4.3 and ISO 3690 using the Gas Chromatograph method). EWI provides this service to a wide variety of industries including welding consumable suppliers, shipyards, heavy manufacturing, and oil & gas to name a few.
Based on feedback from our customers, EWI has continued to improve our Diffusible Hydrogen Testing process over the last year. One key addition is a humidity and temperature controlled diffusible hydrogen welding lab. This allows EWI to produce the diffusible hydrogen weld coupons at standard temperature/humidity conditions or at elevated temperature/humidity conditions to simulate actual fabrication conditions. EWI also has an environmental chamber that can be used to condition the welding consumable prior to testing.
EWI recently procured the latest Gas Chromatography system from Agilent Technologies (Agilent 7890 Series GC) to ensure that we are staying up to date with the latest improvements on the analysis side of this complex test. In addition, four new sets of hermetically-sealable stainless steel canisters were fabricated in order to maintain confidence in the testing results. And finally, EWI has the latest welding data acquisition hardware from Impact Welding to ensure the welds are conducted using the desired welding parameters.
EWI is ready to work directly with you (or a third party governing auditing agency) in order to accomplish your end goal with regards to Diffusible Hydrogen Testing. We are an A2LA Accredited lab (Certificate #3209.01) and Diffusible Hydrogen Testing is on our scope of accreditation. Contact us today to learn more about how EWI’s Testing Services can help.
Brad Nagy is the Manager of EWI Weld & Test Labs. He can be reached at [email protected] or 614.688.5093.