Kudos to Technology Leader Jerry Gould, 2014 winner of the Elihu Thomson Resistance Welding Award from the Resistance Welding Manufacturing Alliance.The award, presented last week in Atlanta at FABTECH’s AWS Award Ceremony, is given annually for outstanding contribution to the technology and application of resistance welding.
As Tech Leader for our Resistance and Solid State Welding group, Jerry’s focus is on resistance spot welding, particularly of coated and advanced high-strength steels, as well as the resistance welding of aluminum. His research includes seam welding, projection welding, flash welding, resistance butt welding, and friction welding. Throughout his career, he has made significant contributions to the field of RSSW including the award of six patents and the publication of more than 130 technical papers. In addition, Jerry has authored or co-authored 20 EWI Cooperative Research Reports. We are proud to call Jerry an “EWI original” as he has been with the organization since it’s founding in the mid-1980s, and expect to see more innovation coming from him and his team in the years to come. Congratulations, Jerry!
To read the full press release about Jerry’s award, click here.