Our country’s ability to manufacture large structures and systems has decreased over the last several decades. In response to cross-industry concerns, NIST recently sponsored a project led by EWI and its partners to develop a U.S. Roadmap for Accelerating Production of Large Structures and Systems.
The findings of this study can be found in NIST Advanced MFGTech Program Roadmap for Accelerating Production of Large Structures and Systems, written by EWI associates Dennis Harwig, Katie Hardin, Larry Brown, Bill Mohr, Joshua James, and Tom McGaughy.
You are invited to read this paper FOR FREE by completing the form on this page.
To discuss this work with Dennis Harwig, EWI Senior Technology Leader and project lead, contact [email protected] or 614.440.5124.
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You can read the complete, unabridged RAPLSS report by visiting https://ewi.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/RAPLSS-Final-Roadmap-Report-2a.pdf.
To learn more about NIST Advanced MFGTech Program, visit https://www.nist.gov/oam/programs/advanced-manufacturing-technology-roadmap-mfgtech-program.