News & Announcements (Page 123)
May 20, 2020
EWI has recently developed internal capabilities to perform the VDA 238-100 standard testing for tight radius v-bending of sheet materials using digital image correlation (DIC). Bendability has become a crucial property as the automotive industry sees increased use of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) and aluminum alloys in sheet metal structural parts for light-weighting and...
DetailsMay 19, 2020
By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI As COVID-19 ravages the United States and Ohio, the tremendous impact on our physical health and well-being has quickly become clear. But the impact on our economy, supply chain and labor workforce will be debated for years to come. If we want to weather this storm and future pandemics,...
DetailsMay 15, 2020
EWI is pleased to welcome Toyota Motor North America, Inc. to our membership. The company, a subsidiary of the multinational automotive manufacturer Toyota Motor Corporation, operates throughout the United States.