News & Announcements (Page 146)
August 14, 2019
This event has passed, so an event link is no longer available. EWI is proud to be a sponsor of this year's 2019 Additive Manufacturing Cluster of Ohio Annual Conference on August 20 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Corporate College East, 4400 Richmond Road, in Warrensville Heights, OH. As part of the program EWI Director of AM...
DetailsJuly 31, 2019
EWI is pleased to recognize Oleg Volf, Principal Engineer for NDE and winner of the ASME BPV V Award. He received the award at the ASME Full Matrix Capture UT meeting in Salt Lake City on May 26, 2019. The award was presented to Oleg for his significant contribution in creating the rules in the...
DetailsJuly 29, 2019
Due to popular demand, EWI has added a late summer session of its FUNDAMENTALS OF WELDING ENGINEERING course to be held August 12-16, 2019. The course will take place at EWI headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Registration is limited, and the deadline is Tuesday, August 6. To register or to get more information, click here now....