News & Announcements (Page 65)
May 17, 2022
In early May, EWI was pleased to take part in COSI’s Big Science Celebration. Held outside the Columbus-based Center of Science and Industry (COSI), the free festival showcased cutting-edge technology and amazing phenomena to promote science literacy and careers in STEM fields to young people. At the EWI booth, our associates were able to share...
DetailsMay 11, 2022
The increasing use of AHSS and aluminum alloys for lightweighting automotive structure necessitates a highly accurate prediction model for springback. Recently, EWI devised a cyclic tension-compression test method to qualify a new prediction model. This work is described in Cyclic Tension-compression Testing for Kinematic Hardening Material Models written by EWI Applications Engineer Laura Zoller. You...
DetailsMay 10, 2022
If you or your staff is looking for professional training in robotics, welding engineering, sheet metal forming, or Autodesk PowerMill® for robotic additive manufacturing, the EWI Skillform Center has a course opportunity for you this summer. Sign up now to expand your capabilities or earn continuing education credit: Robotic Basics: A Hands-on WorkshopJune 1, 2022...