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Additive Manufacturing: What Can It Do for You?

By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI Additive manufacturing. Though many manufacturers have heard this term, the phrase may not be well or widely understood. I’d like to change that. So let’s talk about what additive manufacturing (AM) is and what it can do. What Is AM? When we think of “manufacturing,” we typically think […]

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The New Hydrogen Economy: Third Time’s the Charm?

By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI I experienced my first hydrogen economy in the early 1980s. I had just started working at Battelle, and the emerging hydrogen science seemed to provide an answer to many of the world’s energy questions. Within a few years, however, people stopped asking those questions. Or lost interest in […]

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Data Science in Manufacturing: A Quick Intro to the What, How, and Why

By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI In late October, I wrote about how EWI is contributing to advances in the electric vehicle (EV) industry through a new, innovative methodology for crash test simulations. What I didn’t say in that article is that EV crash test simulation is just one area in which we are using data science […]

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SMMs: How Can We Help Your Workforce Leverage Process and Tech Innovation?

By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI For the last several years, we’ve been asking questions and getting answers — which has led to even more questions. So now, we’re looking for more answers. Let me explain. In a February post, I talked about the significant challenges rapidly evolving technology poses — especially for small and medium-sized […]

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EWI’s Manufacturing Innovation Mission — Some Current Manifestations

By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI EWI has a mission statement. What organization doesn’t these days? But I’m not sure many people, even many directly affiliated with EWI, could articulate it precisely. That said, I do believe that many would, if asked, be able to accurately describe what we do. Because really, it’s quite simple: […]

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EWI & Manufacturing: Living in the Present, Thinking About the Future

By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI We were all busy — BEFORE. And many of us are still busy. But today’s busy looks a little different than yesterday’s busy, and we’re operating in a significantly more unpredictable and rapidly changing environment as priorities shift, almost daily. At EWI, the last couple of months have found […]

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Reshore businesses now in order to prepare for next crisis

By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI As COVID-19 ravages the United States and Ohio, the tremendous impact on our physical health and well-being has quickly become clear. But the impact on our economy, supply chain and labor workforce will be debated for years to come. If we want to weather this storm and future pandemics, […]

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Message from EWI on COVID-19

A message from Henry Cialone, EWI President and CEO With limited personal interaction and increasing contact restrictions due to COVID-19, we are all making adjustments to how we do business. While the environment has changed, I want to let you know that EWI remains open for business. We are actively proceeding on existing projects and […]

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Combatting the Manufacturing Workforce Shortage

by Henry Cialone, EWI President and CEO I hear the same thing everywhere I go and from everyone I talk with — product demand in the manufacturing space is high and workforce supply is low. And all these anecdotes are backed up by the 2018 skills gap and future of work study. The study, produced by […]

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Maybe It’s Not Millennials — Maybe It’s Us

by Henry Cialone, EWI President and CEO From time to time, I find myself in a conversation with other CEOs when the topic turns to the Millennial Generation. I don’t know why, but the comments often tend to get pretty negative — and I ultimately have to raise my hand and call “BS.” Let’s look at […]

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