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Japanese Nuclear Facts Sheet

I have assembled a fact sheet based on industry wide conference calls that I have participated in between Friday (March 11, 2011) and now (this is updated as needed). The most important thing that I can suggest to everyone is don’t trust anything that you find on the internet unless it is backed up by someone from the nuclear industry. The American Nuclear Society, the Nuclear Energy Institute, Nuclear Infrastructure Council, and the International Atomic Energy Agency are working diligently to distribute facts to organizations like the NFC and EWI. However, it is still extremely difficult to discern facts from hypotheses because few experts can provide firsthand accounts of the situation.

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GM Outlines Alternative Vehicle Research Priorities

As I was driving into the office this morning, the radio was abuzz with reports about General Motors’ coming IPO.  In case you missed it, GM will soon begin to sell public stock again for the first time since the US government bailout.  As part of this process a preliminary prospectus was released outlining the […]

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Laser Welding Batteries for Land Speed Record Vehicle

 This past August the Buckeye Bullet 2.5 team broke the land speed record for a battery powered vehicle on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. The average speed was 307.66 MPH in the mile and the top recorded speed was 320 MPH.   The Buckeye Bullet team is a student run team based out of the Center for Automotive […]

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Driving the Future

This week I had the opportunity to sample the next generation of transportation at CODA Automotive. Their battery electric vehicle (BEV) is propelled solely by 728 lithium-iron-phosphate cells powering a 134HP (100 kW) DC motor mounted just where you’d expect to find it. This test vehicle was equipped with the comfort accessories we like to see, […]

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US Leadership In The EV Supply Chain

Two events roughly two weeks and two miles apart in Troy, MI showed that the US is taking the lead in the manufacture of energy sources for the rapidly expanding electrified vehicle market. On September 8th EWI hosted the Battery Manufacturing & Joining Technology Symposium and hosted 135 people to discuss the challenges they face […]

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EWI’s CEO Henry Cialone on Energy Manufacturing

EWI’s CEO, Henry Cialone, was quoted throughout an article in the Columbus Dispatch on Ohio being designated as an energy hub. The quotes include: “…while there are 18 labs devoted to energy storage research, there are zero devoted to energy manufacturing. We said we’d like to change that.” “The biggest challenge to the nation’s manufacturing […]

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EV World Speed Record

EWI has had the honor of working with The Ohio State University Buckeye Bullet team for the last several years. This is a student led group that designs and builds the FASTEST electric vehicles in the world.  Their first car, the Buckeye Bullet I, was a battery powered car that set the work record at […]

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Cruising Into the Future – With Your Help

Last Saturday I took a break from green thinking and lived a decidedly “ungreen” automotive life for a day. The Woodward Dream Cruise is a celebration of horsepower and anything on wheels, and attracts 40,000 cars and an estimated one million spectators. Woodward Avenue has historical significance. In 1909, a one mile stretch of Woodward was […]

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EWI Publishes Summer 2010 Insights Newsletter

EWI launched the summer 2010 issue of its Insights newsletter. In this issue, you can read about: Kimberly Gibson’s (Director of EWI Energy Center) Visit to China Friction Stir Welding of Steel – Mechanisms of Tool Deformation and Wear EWI’s New Rail Manufacturing Technology Center EWI & AWS Leadership Conference on Future of Materials Joining […]

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Finding New Energy Sources in Unlikely Places

One of the fun things about working in the renewable energy sector is reading about, and talking to people with, interesting ideas on how to find endless supplies of energy. A common thread to all of this is the solutions usually need unique materials joining assistance, and thus a great fit for collaborating with truly […]

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