[This is the last installment of a four-part series titled The Great Minds of Carbon Equivalent]

Senior Engineer
In earlier parts of The Great Minds of Carbon Equivalent, I’ve discussed the value and evolution of carbon equivalent (CE) equations in the prediction of heat affected zone (HAZ) hardenability in steels. In this final PDF resource, I discuss two future CE research trends.
Applying Carbon Equivalent Equations to Higher-strength Steels for the Oil & Gas Industry
Higher strength steels (≥ X80 grade) are being increasingly used in deep-water exploration by the offshore oil and gas industry. In offshore structure fabrication, post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) is used on the welding joint to lower the hardness of the heat-affected-zone (HAZ) and weld metal to below 250HV10 or 22HRC. While this method can effectively be used to meet the corrosion-control requirements of industrial codes and standards such as NACE MR0175 and MR0103, it is well-known that …
View the previous installments in the series:
Part I: Invention of the Carbon Equivalent