Materials Engineering & Integrity
What properties cause a material to perform well – or fail – in an application?
A thoughtfully designed product — built to last for years — should not break down when it is put into operation. What causes material failure? Why do some materials start to disintegrate, weaken, or rust after a long period of successful use, and how can these effects be mitigated?

The inherent properties and internal structure of a material, combined with the processes used to either create it or produce a new part with it, all impact that material’s ultimate performance. Understanding the interaction of these factors from the start of product development can make or break your end result.
EWI’s materials and structural integrity engineers can help your company early in the development process to select the right materials for the right application and avoid costly failures down the line. Our deep expertise is based on more than 35 years of applied R&D in material and process development, as well as extensive experience in troubleshooting for the energy, automotive, aerospace, defense, medical, and packaging industries.
Learn more about our specialized materials services
Materials Engineering
Structural Integrity
Corrosion Engineering
Engineering with Integrity
Since 1984
Whether we’re evaluating a new material, defining the fatigue performance capabilities of welded parts, or identifying the cause of an unexpected failure, our team enables your team to design the required materials and testing specifications ensure successful performance, structural integrity, quality, and safety. We provide the assurance you – and your customers – need for your products.
Need help now? Contact EWI today.