Additive Manufacturing (Page 16)
January 5, 2022
In early 2022, EWI will host three webinars on advanced manufacturing topics for engineering professionals. These technical presentations are free to attend, but participants must register in advance. Back by popular demand, Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould will offer a webinar on Design of Experiments for Manufacturing Processes. This event will take place on Tuesday,...
DetailsNovember 23, 2021
Cold spray is one of the fastest metal additive manufacturing (AM) production techniques in the world. It offers an effective method for applying unique coatings and making repairs with similar or dissimilar metals. It eliminates heat affected zones and can be used on heat sensitive materials. It is an environmentally friendly process, particularly when compared...
DetailsNovember 2, 2021
Corrosion is a pervasive and natural issue in all metal products. What are its implications when additive manufacturing (AM) is the primary method of production? Is corrosion behavior in AM builds different from components manufactured using more traditional processes? These questions are addressed in The Unique Corrosion Concerns of Additive Manufacturing, written by EWI Principal...