EWI – Company (Page 67)
November 25, 2016
Intertech Plastics is new EWI Member
EWI is pleased to welcome Intertech Plastics, Inc. to membership. The company, based in the Rocky Mountain region, is a high volume, high cavitation custom injection molding business.
DetailsNovember 21, 2016
EWI Colorado Hosts Facility Premiere; Opens Doors to Statewide Audience
On November 9, EWI celebrated the opening of its third R&D facility, EWI Colorado. Located in Loveland at the Rocky Mountain Center for Innovation and Technology, EWI Colorado joins labs in Ohio and New York as the company’s newest manufacturing center of excellence. More than 200 representatives from manufacturing firms and organizations, educational institutions, and...
DetailsNovember 21, 2016
FuzeHub Interviews Buffalo Manufacturing Works President Michael Ulbrich
Michael Ulbrich, President of EWI’s New York operations, discusses Buffalo Manufacturing Works and other EWI initiatives.