Root-cause failure analyses allow manufacturers, fabricators, and operators to make well-informed choices regarding repair strategies and the mitigation of future failures. While the oil and gas industry has established an impressive safety record over many years of operation, failures do occur. The analysis and subsequent prevention of these failures is a complex multidisciplinary activity requiring expertise in material characterization, stress analysis, structural integrity assessment, mechanical testing, and welding engineering. The benefits of these failure analyses extend well into the future as lessons learned are applied to subsequently designed and produced components. This approach leads to increased quality and reliability, and decreases the chance of similar failures in the future.
EWI Senior Engineer Alber Sadek has written A Guide to Failure Analysis for the Oil and Gas Industry to discuss exactly what is involved in a successful failure analysis, present an overview of the types of failures seen by the oil and gas industry, provide a number of relevant case studies, and list the specific steps taken in a root-cause analysis.
To read the article, click here.
To learn more about EWI’s failure analysis capabilities, contact Jon Jennings at [email protected].