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A Sense of Adventure

It is amazing what a little drive, ambition, and perhaps fear can do… EWI engineer Marc Purslow completed his epic cross-country bicycle journey late last month. It started with a desire to do something big that mattered. Back in August 2013, he decided to ride his bicycle across the country – all the way from […]

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Your Input is Requested for an E&P Survey

Is your work related to the oil & gas industry? If so, we need to hear from you! In an effort to identify and address the issues and needs of the Exploration and Production (E&P) sector of the oil & gas industry, EWI is conducting an E&P Technology Survey.  The results of this survey will be […]

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7th International Aerospace Joining Seminar — Deadline Approaching!

The 7th International Seminar on Joining Aerospace Materials will be held September 17-18, 2014, Organized by EWI and TWI, the biennial event is attended by leading technologists and engineers involved in state-of-the-art aerospace manufacturing and assembly of aircraft structures. The upcoming event will be hosted by Boeing at the Boeing Longacres Customer Center outside of Seattle, Washington. Topics […]

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EWI to Hold First Ever Global Oil and Gas Industry Workshop, September 15 & 16 in Houston

EWI will hold its inaugural oil and gas industry-focused workshop this September 15-16, at the Houston Marriott Energy Corridor in Houston, TX. The Global Oil and Gas Technology Workshop, sponsored by the EWI Strategic Technology Committee (STC) for Oil & Gas, will bring together leaders across the oil and gas industry in an open forum in which they […]

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More News about EWI and Buffalo’s Advanced Manufacturing Institute

Buffalo’s brand new advanced manufacturing institute, now officially named Buffalo Manufacturing Works, has been established as a regional collaboration between industry and academic partners with EWI in the lead. Details of the center’s launch plans were reported in The Buffalo News late last week. To read the article, click here. To visit the Buffalo Manufacturing Works website, click here. […]

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EWI New York Offers High-Tech Opportunity

The new EWI New York office is ramping up! According Buffalo Business First, the City of Buffalo is buzzing about the opportunities EWI brings to the region as leader of a new advanced manufacturing hub. One local executive referred to EWI’s arrival as the beginning of “a Buffalo renaissance where the finished products are knowledge and technology that […]

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New Improved EWI Titanium Weld Color Inspection Kit!

The EWI Titanium Weld Color Inspection Kit – now considered the standard for visual inspection of titanium welds across all industries – has been upgraded to include new high definition color inspection cards. The redesigned card set was created using a new photographic technique which renders a more realistic, “truer” color image than that of […]

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New ALMMII Headquarters Will Be Located in Detroit

Officials from the American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ALMMII) and the city of Detroit have announced that the new $148 million lightweight metals manufacturing institute, announced in February by President Obama will locate in the Detroit neighborhood of Corktown.

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Purslow’s Progress: Biking Across America

If you are following EWI Associate Marc Purslow’s cross-country, solo bike trek to raise money for ASAS (After-School All Stars), you’ll know that he’s relentless in achieving his goal. Since he embarked on his journey from Maine on July 3rd, he has left New England, crossed New York State, and made his way through Ohio. For […]

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EWI Innovators Prevail over Local Litigators…Again

EWI won the latest EWI-MDK Bike to Work Challenge by a score of 60 to 48. The Challenge started  Monday, June 2, 2014 and ended Friday, June 13, 2014.  The scoring was one point per day of commuting to work by bicycle during the work week, regardless of distance (you didn’t need to ride the full distance).  Tracking […]

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