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Article: Exploring Arc Welding for Additive Manufacturing of Ti

Congratulations to these EWI associates on their recently published article in the Welding Journal.  “Exploring Arc Welding for Additive Manufacturing of Titanium” addresses how the gas tungsten arc process might be the answer for free-form manufacturing of parts, the size of which are not constrained by vacuum chamber dimensions. The full article is found in the March 2014 […]

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Should you Solder it or Braze it?

We receive  many questions about the difference between soldering and brazing.  They are very similar joining techniques, both involving the melting of a filler metal to join two or more components without melting the base material of the components.  The American Welding Society (AWS) defines brazing as such a process which involves a filler metal […]

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EWI Wins Grant from America Makes

We are proud to announce that EWI’s project, “Refining Microstructure of AM Materials to Improve Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI),” has been selected by America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, in its latest round of awards in 2014. EWI, along with Lockheed Martin Company and Sciaky Inc., will address the need to improve ultrasonic inspection […]

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GTAW for Additive Manufacturing of Ti 6-4 Components

Components made from titanium are candidates for additive manufacturing due to both the high material cost and the long lead times on material purchases.  Electron Beam Freeform Fabrication (EBFFF) is the most widely used method for additive manufacturing of large scale titanium parts.  This process is well established but is expensive and requires the parts […]

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Composite to Metal Joining: Engineered Bonded Systems

This is a Technical Brief written by Dr. George Ritter, Principal Engineer in our Materials group. George can be contacted at 614.688.5199 or [email protected]. You can view George’s bio here.  If you are interested in this article, you may also be interested in another article on lightweighting. Composites as Structural Materials Composites provide directed, purposeful stress management […]

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SCC/HE of Bolts/Fasteners in Marine Environments

In the oil and gas industry, bolted connections are often used for high integrity systems and are thus vital for the long term performance of the given structure. As the oil and gas industry explores and develops reservoirs in deeper waters where operation and intervention costs are exceptionally high, factors such as bolt/fastener design, proper […]

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Detecting flaws in FSW can be a tough proposition

Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an advanced welding process that uses a third body (often called the “tool” or “pin”) to generate frictional heat between two parts to create a solid-state bond. Originally developed for thin sheet aluminum, the process has now been adapted for a variety of materials from soft metals (aluminum, copper, magnesium, lead) to […]

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Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Meet the Team – Zak Pramann

Today’s “Meet the FSW Team” features Zak Pramann.  Zak has been at EWI for four years and comes to us fresh from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Being a metallurgical engineer, Zak provides a unique perspective to the FSW team – helping to explain the mechanics behind some of the FSW interactions […]

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Interested in Friction Stir Welding? Check This Out!

Since its invention in 1991 by The Welding Institute (TWI), Friction Stir Welding (FSW) has been predominantly used for welding aluminum alloys and other soft metals; however significant research over the past decade has enabled the FSW of high melting temperature materials such as steel, titanium, and nickel alloys.  FSW is considered a green process […]

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Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Meet The Team – Tim Stotler

Today’s FSW “Meet the Team” features Tim Stotler.  Tim has been at EWI for almost as long as there’s BEEN an EWI – 26 years. Tim “grew up” on resistance and solid-state welding processes and is currently the Technology Leader for friction processes at EWI. Tim has literally been involved with the Friction Stir Welding […]

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