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Buffalo is enthusiastic about new EWI-run manufacturing center

                                     Excitement is building in Western New York as state and local officials, businesses, and community leaders get ready to welcome EWI to downtown Buffalo. EWI will launch the new advanced manufacturing institute at the end of February […]

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EWI Wins Grant from America Makes

We are proud to announce that EWI’s project, “Refining Microstructure of AM Materials to Improve Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI),” has been selected by America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, in its latest round of awards. EWI with Lockheed Martin Company and Sciaky Inc. will address the need to improve ultrasonic inspection of titanium alloy components for […]

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EWI Selected by NY State to Start Advanced Manufacturing Institute

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York announced last week that EWI has been chosen to open and operate an advanced manufacturing institute in Buffalo. This state-of-the-art facility is being funded as part of the Buffalo Billion Investment Development Plan, an initiative to promote economic development in the Western New York. EWI was singled out to […]

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Negative Influence of Computer Programming in Human Thinking Logic

Ever since the invention of computers, human thinking logic has been fundamentally changed. It directly results in changes of humans’ self-confidence, languages, and behaviors. Nowadays, people would like to program their activities, rules, codes, management and work as much as possible and strongly believe that they can achieve their designed success as running a computer […]

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Lip Sweaters Thrive During Movember at EWI

Well folks, Movember is in the books for 2013 and we had a great month raising awareness and cold hard cash for men’s health issues. In our third year of participating in Movember, we set the fundraising goal pretty high at $5000. I say pretty high, because in the prior two years combined we had […]

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Fabrisonic’s New Module Enables 3D Printing to Cylindrical Parts

EWI affiliate Fabrisonic is about to debut a new rotary module that can ultrasonically add layers of metal on the outer diameter of a shaft, cylinder, or pipe. This development is a huge step forward for additive metal manufacturing. Read details in a recent article published in “3D Printing Industry.”

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EWI to Lead Effort to Develop In-process Sensing for Additive Manufacturing

EWI partnered with NAMII/America Makes and several other principal collaborators (CTC and University of Louisville) to address advances in Measurement Science for Additive Manufacturing.  The competitively bid award with the Department of Commerce and the National Institute for Standards and Technology totals $5M over two years.  EWI is leading a team to develop a robust, […]

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A Visitor’s Take on Manufacturing Day at EWI

One of our Open House visitors, Chris Staley, was so impressed with the national Manufacturing Day initiative (events held at more than 830 facilities around the country) that he shared his impressions on his own blog. Read his reflections and view his “Infographic Interview” with EWI.

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Manufacturing Day at EWI Was Great!

  EWI welcomed more than 50 community visitors to its Columbus facility on October 4th as part of the national Manufacturing Day initiative. The event attracted interested students, parents, neighbors, business people, manufacturers, and state government representatives. Each session  (one in the morning, one after lunch) included an overview presentation, a laboratory tour, and a Q&A period. To see photographs, […]

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EWI to Host Community Open House on October 4th

  EWI will open its doors to community visitors on October 4, 2013. This Open House is part of “Manufacturing Day 2013” events being held simultaneously throughout the nation to educate the public about breadth, depth, and strength of American manufacturing today. This coast-to-coast initiative is sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers, the Fabricators & Manufacturers […]

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