EWI will participate in a special pinewood derby race which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 31st, at the “old” Battelle building off of King Ave. Other competitors in this event are Battelle’s Armored Car Division, OSU-CAR, and of course one Cub Scout. The race will be featured in the April 8th Columbus Dispatch science section.
Last week, our EWI engineers were given the opportunity to discuss their design philosophy and the reasons they chose certain technologies to incorporate into the pinewood derby race cars. This project promises to be a creative outlet for our imaginary and inventive group of engineers.
The EWI team was tasked with producing two types of race cars, a “cheater” car and a standard type race car. The group of engineers shared with the reporters of the Columbus Dispatch their top secret pinewood derby prototype and creative concepts for the upcoming race car competition.
Throughout the meeting, one theme seemed to reoccur. Even with the latest and greatest technology, we’ll probably lose to a talented cub scout. BUT we’re hoping our mad hatter, Sean Gleeson, Project Engineer, and his magic top hat will serve us well.
- Sean Gleeson, Project Engineer – and his magic top hat
Among the engineers and other staff who are helping to create the race cars are:
Sean Gleeson, Project Engineer, Non-Destruction Evaluation
Ed Herderick, Applications Engineer, Materials & Structural Integrity
Michelle Laverty, I.P. Manager, Technology & Innovation
Mary Lorenz, Human Resource Specialist
Steve Massey, Applications Engineer, Arc Welding
Blake McAllister, Applications Engineer, Lasers
Maggie Perez, Marketing & Sales Coordinator, Corporate Communications
Jeff Root, Applications Engineer, Advanced Automation
- One half of the pinewood derby team. Ed Herderick, Jeff Root, & Steve Massey
My name is Maggie Perez and if you have any questions about this blog or the event, please feel free to contact me at 614.688.5062 or by email at [email protected].