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Arc Welding Aluminum at High Speed

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) are both regularly used for welding aluminum. GTAW is a slow process when compared to GMAW and GMAW is typically used when extremely high weld quality (with respect to porosity) is not required. GMAW works well for welding aluminum in structural, automotive, or thick […]

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Lighten Up – Joining Technology for Lightweighting

Lightweighting is an important focus for design folks in the automotive and aerospace worlds. Reducing the weight of a vehicle helps to improve fuel economy and reducing the weight of an airplane additionally enables more cargo to be carried. Magnesium-Aluminum-Zinc (Mg-Al-Zn) alloys have the highest strength to weight ratios of structural metals. AZ31B (Mg-3Al-1Zn) is […]

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Get it Right – It’s Movember!

Well folks, Movember is upon us. Some of you call this no-shave November and use it as an excuse to grow a beard or a goatee or something like that. It is officially called Movember and growing a sweet moustache is the proper way to raise awareness and money for men’s health issues. Prostate cancer […]

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Meet the EWI Materials Team – George Ritter

This week the “Meet the Team” series introduces George Ritter of the EWI Materials group. George specializes in the areas of adhesives and plastics.  George has spent over 30 years in industrial research environments, with much of that time spent on structural adhesives bonding applications. Please feel free to contact George if you have any […]

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EWI Gets Shout-Out in TIME Magazine

In this week’s edition of TIME Magazine, EWI has been recognized as a player in the recent economic success of our city and region.  As the Curious Capitalist notes in the column “The Columbus Comeback,” EWI is part of the economic engine making the city’s economy hum again. In the article, TIME referred to EWI […]

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Jim Tighe Named CFO of the Year

SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 (COLUMBUS, OHIO) – Jim Tighe, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Administrative Services at EWI, has been designated CFO of the Year for Small Organizations by Columbus Business First Newspaper. Tighe’s award follows his nomination by EWI associates and selection by an independent panel of financial experts – and it comes […]

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Deficit Growing, Candidates Politicing, and Everyone’s Calling Shotgun

I’m not sure if “politicing” is used appropriately as a verb (kind of like “efforting”), but it seems accurate for what is happening these days around the deficit.  On the positive side, the media is continuing to publicize the deficit as the major issue for the candidates to address.  But in this case, “address” is […]

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Are We Going to Run a 5k, Marathon or Just Couch Surf?

Are you a runner? Have you ever done a 5K, half marathon, or even 26.2 miles? What does any of this have to do with EWI or the federal government?

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Ed Herderick Interview: The Need for an ICME/Modeling Roadmap

Last week, a writer for TMS met with Ed Herderick, an applications engineer in EWI‘s Materials Group, to talk about the workshop he’s planning with TMS experts on the topic of ICME (integrated computational materials engineering). See what Ed had to say about why it’s the right time for this workshop, and why a roadmap for […]

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A Green Perspective on Arc Welding Part 1: Harnessing the Power of Resistive Heating

When using a consumable-electrode process such as gas metal arc welding (GMAW) or submerged arc welding (SAW), the three primary process variables are arc current, wire feed speed (the rate at which the consumable electrode is fed from the welding torch), and arc voltage. Current and wire-feed-speed cannot be varied independently. To maintain the same […]

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